The weather is warming up, and Frome Festival excitement is growing. For a little taste of the festival, to fill the gap between now and July, and to coincide with the Festival Box office opening to the General Public (10am-2pm) on Sunday 22nd May, we are organising an afternoon of Jazz and cream teas.

From 2-4.30pm, we are putting on Sandy Ince with the mesmerising Sticky Toffee Jazz, at Rook Lane Chapel. Described as a sophisticated collection of music inspired by classical Jazz, Swing and Blues, from Etta James and Sinatra to Adele and Paolo Nutini. If you haven’t heard of of her before, click here for a listen (this is STJ performing with EVD).

This event is a joint fundraiser to raise money for the Festival as well as for Frome Birth Talk (an amazing charity supporting new & expectant parents in Frome). Tickets are on sale now at £12.00 for adults and £10.00 for under 16s. The ticket also includes a cream tea and can be purchased here. We’re hoping that it will be lovely weather for a relaxed Sunday afternoon, perfect for sitting out and enjoying the Rook Lane gardens.